Synthetic Chemistry


Custom Synthesis Service


Building blocks, reference compounds, novel chemical reagents, etc.

Scale up

From milligrams to kilograms


Why Partner With ChemExpress


Riched Synthesis Experience

Skilled at tackling complex synthetic routes : experienced in the synthesis of a variety of reference compounds, small molecules for antibody-drug conjugates (MMAE Exatecan, Eribulin, etc.), and PROTACS

Structure modification of target-related compounds : including over 20 signaling pathwaysand hundreds of targets for therapeutics, such as KRAS, PI3K, Bcl-2, HDAC, BET, CDK, JAK, ERK, EGFR, PD-1/PD-L1, GSK-3, STING, etc.


Enabling Technolgies

Complex chemical technology : anhydrous and oxygen-free operation, high pressure hydrogenation operation, operation of hazardous compounds such as diazomethane, etc.

Multiple chemical technology platforms : high-throughput catalyst selection, continuous flow chemistry, multi-step coupling synthesis of amino acids, photo chemistry, isotope labeling, etc.

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